Obsessed With Me and Satisfied With Mediocrity
Have you noticed today’s world celebrates and encourages individuality by appealing to our selfishness and pride? It has become ALL ABOUT ME! Historically, our society has thrived because those who have gone before us focused on others. They were more concerned about what they could do for our country than what our country could do for them. They spent more time helping others raise their barns than building their own. If their neighbor was in need of a shirt, they gave them the one on their back. Today, we have done a disservice to our children by telling them, in conspicuous and subtle ways, the world revolves around them. Advertisers, schools and even parents have taught our kids that their own happiness is the highest virtue. Well, the things that made America great and families strong were love, faith, hard work, perseverance and charity. Happiness was just a by-product.
This session explores those things that make families strong and how to instill in your children those values that will make your family strong, too!